Dental, Medical & Eye Clinics

Family Dental & Medical Clinic
Pediatric Dental Services: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8 AM - 5 PM
The age range for service is 0-16 years old.
Community Health Care is contracting with the University of Iowa. Dental students and instructors are involved with pediatric dentistry.
Adult Dental Services: Mondays and Wednesdays: 8 AM - 5 PM
Staffed by Community Health Care staff.
Medical Services: Every Thursday: 8 AM - 12 PM
Staffed by Community Health Care staff.
To schedule an appointment call: 563-327-2140
Adult Vision Clinic
The Adult Vision Clinic is located at MCSA to provide underserved adult Muscatine-area residents with access to eye care and vision correction.
Dr. Peter Korpi is the Director of the Clinic, which is staffed by local volunteer optometrists and offers routine eye examinations and glasses as necessary.
A $10 co-pay is required from each patient, which covers the examination and glasses as needed.
A client may be referred by MCSA, Muscatine County Community Services, the Department of Human Services (DHS), or Community Action when it is determined they are within 100% of poverty guidelines and do not qualify for other medical assistance programs.
Please call 563-264-3278, for more information.
Patients needing further care (for pre-glaucoma, glaucoma, or other more serious conditions) will be referred to the Ophthalmology Department at the University of Iowa, which serves all Iowa residents, regardless of ability to pay.